Design & Provision Of

Smart City
Vision & Strategy

Our expertise lies in the design and provision of scalable and future proofed telecom infrastructure to support the validation and implementation of smart city technologies. This includes access to private and operator owned fibre networks and duct depending on the technology being validated.

Telecommunications management

At the heart of the Smart City is the telecoms infrastructure. To encourage multiple service offerings and competitive services it is recommended to have a neutral partner manager this infrastructure. Our experience in providing an independent infrastructure management service makes Novegen the ideal partner for any Smart City transformation.

Network design

In order to deliver connectivity to the complete metropolitan area new network infrastructure can often be required. We design new infrastructure networks to meet the demands of both the service providers and to ensure an appropriate level of service to people living in the city.

Managed installation & service windows

As part of a managed infrastructure we take control of planning installation works and maintenance for all service providers. Our terms of service with network providers require them to plan works in defined time windows, allowing us to minimise the disruption time for local citizens and businesses.

Relationship management

With the responsibility for managing the telecoms network in the Smart City we can also manage the relationship between the local authority and network service providers including the application process for working on the network and with parties interested in working in the build process. We ensure there are no preferential deals made between the authority and service providers as a means of ensuring fair competition to promote multiple service offerings to citizens and businesses.

Speed of innovation adoption

The accelerating pace of change in tehnology is directly affecting how people live their lives, not only socially but in how they expect to interact with public services and their local environment. Effective management of the infrastructure supporting a Smart City enables Smart Homes allowing people to be more environmentally friendly and Smart Offices facilitating more energy efficiency, remote working and the advantages of cloud services and infrastructure.

Municipal benefit

In addition to direct benefits to people in the city, the Smart City is more attractive to businesses looking to operate in the region, bringing with them an influx of talent and capital to the region in the face of stiff competition to capture new business.

What is the Smart City vision?

A Smart City is defined as a city that use IoT sensors, data collection and smart services that are used in such a way as to enhance the quality of life for the citizens living in the city.

This can be accomplished in many ways such as reduction of traffic using smart roads, reduction of energy use and other waste, improvements in the services provided  by the city and improved Internet services.

Delivery of the Smart City vision is reliant on connectivity. IoT sensors and data collection from within the city will require high availability, low latency wireless connectivity for example.

Improving Internet connectivity to the citizens will require fibre to the premises, high availability service and a choice of suppliers for Internet services. 

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